Couple & Relationship Counselling


We care deeply about the key relationships in our lives, but it’s also natural that they’re not always smooth sailing. External events can affect our core relationships, we can drift apart, we can stop communicating in a way that’s constructive, or maybe we’re simply not as close as we once were.

Relationship, or couples counselling, provides you with a dedicated, confidential space in which to work with these times of difficulty or disconnection. It seeks to help you both to learn about the issues that are happening right now, how’s they’re impacting your relationship, and offers tools to change how you’re relating to each other about what’s going on.

It is a process of understanding how you’re relating with each other so that together we can work through the challenges you may be facing, bring more insight to your experiences, communication, and relational patterns, and create the opportunity for you to move forwards into a more meaningful, authentic, intimate and healthy way of being. 

Relationship counselling is for any of the key relationships in your life


Most of us experience challenges in our close relationships at different times, whether that’s with friends, colleagues, family members, and romantic partners.

Through couples or relationship counselling you can learn why you react in certain ways, how and why patterns have formed, how they are impacting each other and the relationship dynamic between you, and practical tools to help change ways of relating that aren’t working.

We will work together to relearn embedded relational patterns and thought process, to ultimately help you move forwards by communicating and relating with authenticity, depth, and connection.

With both individual and couples counselling clients, I specialise in working with: 

  • Major life events, including starting or expanding your family, marriage, separation and divorce, career transitions, illness, bereavement and loss

  • Emotional challenges, including stress, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, attacks on your self esteem

  • Challenges with identity and purpose, including questions around life direction and meaning, feelings of despair, loneliness and isolation  

  • Damaging coping mechanisms, including addiction, self-harm, damaging eating behaviours, and issues with anger management

  • Pressures and challenges at home, including relationship problems, family worries and issues, finding a work-life balance

  • Pressures and challenges at work, including negotiating work relationships, low self-esteem and imposter syndrome, over-ambition, dissatisfaction and loss of meaning

  • Challenges facing professionals, including navigating competitive and / or male-dominated environments, building confidence, and developing leadership skills